About Me

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I'm in my twenties thinking "Um, now what?", which isn't as bad as it seems. Some days i'm the funniest person there is, the next i'll be the best listener, and then the next, the sleepiest person i know. One day, i'll have it figured out. For now, i am just making sure i pay my bills on time, and enjoy it for what its worth. (according to amex, $3000 bucks!)

Friday, April 25, 2008


We had the BEST night last night, and we were still home by 830 to watche supernatural (yes, i am a dork). First, eric picked me up at 5 from work and we went to Daniels (after going through 3 lobbies to find the right elevator). There we sat in the bar with an AWESOME view of seattle. We had beer (Myself, Stella, and Eric, Mac&Jacks and Guiness), Oysters (raw!), cheese platter (yummmmy!) and teriyaki steak strips. which was really a 16 oz steak cubed in the best sauce ever. it was soooo good. so from there we went to the mall, and stopped by nordstroms grill to have a drink (eric, dark&stormy, me, Rum&coke) of which the bartender was very liberal with the rum. yikes. On to Bon Marche Home store (or macy's, for you corporate minded people) to shop around for dishes. no such luck, since aparently stone wear is freaking expensive. So then we went and got cupcakes from NY cupcakes (very very very very very good). and from there, my friends, is when we entered the twilight zone.
First, we went into Helzbergs so i could show eric the ring i was interested in. and then... HE TRIED ON RINGS. for himself. *gasp*. pretty freakin' awesome. and we went to another store so he could get more ideas on what he likes.


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