About Me

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I'm in my twenties thinking "Um, now what?", which isn't as bad as it seems. Some days i'm the funniest person there is, the next i'll be the best listener, and then the next, the sleepiest person i know. One day, i'll have it figured out. For now, i am just making sure i pay my bills on time, and enjoy it for what its worth. (according to amex, $3000 bucks!)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

earthquake drill

all throughout schooling i mocked the earth quake drills, until my senior year (2001) when we actually had an earthquake. Now, i take it a bit more seriously. maybe its becuase of the pts i get, or becuase i am at the top floor of our building. funny, how it serious they seem later in life. nothing like being prepaired. which means i should probably buy a snack pack. just in case!

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