About Me

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I'm in my twenties thinking "Um, now what?", which isn't as bad as it seems. Some days i'm the funniest person there is, the next i'll be the best listener, and then the next, the sleepiest person i know. One day, i'll have it figured out. For now, i am just making sure i pay my bills on time, and enjoy it for what its worth. (according to amex, $3000 bucks!)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Recipe

So, I am not a domestic goddess at all. I am more like a domestic-princess-with-training-wheels. But, i have this weird desire to make believe that when it comes to company BBQ, I will pull out the best recipe there is. plain and simple. Eric's coworkers will bow to my makings. So, for April's BBQ this is what i made...

Red Current Cocktail Sausages
1 cup (12oz) of Red Current Jelly --- you pretty much have to go to the skankiest grocery store to find this. i went to bellevue's Safeway!
1 cup Dijon Mustard -- yum!
3/4 cup of brown sugar
1/4 cup of ketchup
4-16oz of cocktail sausages (you can replace this with kielbasa, hot dogs, etc)

In a crock pot (slow cooker) mix all ingredients and let simmer at least 2 hours before serving.

Now, since Eric works at 6am in the morning, i prepared it the night before, minus the weenies. i let it cook up a bit, hoping that it would start to glaze over - it didn't, but it still tasted awesome. However, i thought it was a bit to mustard-y. So, being the clever geniuses that I am, I added a secret ingredient. I can't tell you what it is (yet), but it made it a bit more spicy, in a pepper sort of way. In the end I added some onion powder (wishing I had an onion!) and black pepper. In 1 1/2 hours I will know how it went and have a picture for it as well... (picture updated!)

My whole family are excellent cooks - I can make chicken, deviled eggs, 7 layer dip, (and now) cocktail weenies like no body else. I am, the ultimate superbowl kitchen godess.

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