About Me

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I'm in my twenties thinking "Um, now what?", which isn't as bad as it seems. Some days i'm the funniest person there is, the next i'll be the best listener, and then the next, the sleepiest person i know. One day, i'll have it figured out. For now, i am just making sure i pay my bills on time, and enjoy it for what its worth. (according to amex, $3000 bucks!)

Thursday, May 15, 2008


best thing ever - "lite mint mocha frappachino".

Eric gave bowser a "shave" the other day, but only around his face - which isnt bad, becuase trying to get bowser calm enough to cut around his mouth and eyes is pretty impossible, but i digress - So now my dog looks like a fat Chihuahua with a tiny head. its pretty darn funny, but i feel bad for laughing at my dog everytime i see him, and he's not doing anything funny.

This morning i tried to cut around his neck to at least, well, give him a neck. He looks a tiny bit better, but since the rest of his body is more like a poodle (barrel legs and body), i am going to have to shave him down completely. Its not that its hard, but bowser is a bit wiley, so keeping him calm for more than 10 minutes is pretty hard, especially when he sees the scissors come out.

So i am hoping to finish the job tonight. we'll see how well that goes.

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