About Me

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I'm in my twenties thinking "Um, now what?", which isn't as bad as it seems. Some days i'm the funniest person there is, the next i'll be the best listener, and then the next, the sleepiest person i know. One day, i'll have it figured out. For now, i am just making sure i pay my bills on time, and enjoy it for what its worth. (according to amex, $3000 bucks!)

Friday, April 11, 2008

first time for everything

I finally bought would probably officially make me a girly girl. Mind you, i have been shunning this contraption since my early teens. I mean, its scary looking, will probably hurt, and quite honestly, takes to much time and effort that i care to have. What is this crazy item am i talking about? Look below and gasp with me...

An Eyelash curler!!! honestly i don't know if i am even using it right.
But it was 1.99 (thank you Wet'n'Wild) and i though, what the hell. might as well try it, right? I also bought l'orel HIP eyeshadow, which i love. the color really pops out. And when you are pale, and trying to use pale colors, its pretty important to have your eyeshadow look like actual color, not just awkward skin pigmentation. or like you have a black eye. So... who's going to teach me how
to use this stuff? :)

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